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Funeral Cover over 65


As strange as it may seem, most people who have funeral insurance are under the age of 65. Why is that? Surely, the people most likely to need funeral cover are the elderly?


Most people can’t get funeral cover over 65 because insurers only cover individuals between the ages of 18 and 65. People younger than 18 don’t have the legal capacity to take out a policy, while people over 65 theoretically begin to have a much higher risk of death and therefore of claiming on their policy. This makes them too risky to insure. And if an insurer does have funeral cover for over 65s, it’s usually quite expensive and unaffordable.


Does that mean that funeral cover over 65 just isn’t readily available? How will your parents have a dignified funeral if they can’t take out cover for themselves? With Budget, you can make sure an older loved one, like a parent or parent-in-law, can get Funeral Cover even up until they’re 75 years old. This is how it works.



Funeral Cover over 65


If you have a parent over 65, you can take out Funeral Insurance in your name and add them as an additional, extended family member. All you need to do is pay a small additional amount for each extended family member on your Funeral Policy each month and they’ll be covered. 

Much of the cover and many of the benefits your dependants have are the same as yours. There is no waiting period for death as a result of an accident and only a six-month waiting period for death by natural causes. The exclusion period for death by suicide is 12 months. 

You also have the option to repatriate your elderly loved one’s remains to anywhere in the country if they pass away in South Africa. This means transporting the deceased’s body from the place of death to the final funeral home closest to the place of burial, within the borders of South Africa.


Funeral Cover over 75


Just like for those over 65, your parents can get Funeral Cover up to the age of 75 when they are added to your policy. However, the older a person is, the more costly it is to have a Funeral Cover for them. One way to mitigate this expense is to share the cost among the children. If you have siblings, each of you could contribute to the cost of the monthly payments. We know you want the best for your parents, and this way, they don’t need to worry about having a dignified funeral and you don’t need to worry about fitting their cover into your budget. 


Funeral Cover over 80


It can be tricky to find Funeral Cover over 80 even when you’re adding an elderly person to your policy. In fact, with Budget you can add your parents or in-laws to your policy only up until they are 75 years old. 


Funeral Cover over 85


Few insurance companies will allow funeral cover over 85, even if the person is added as a dependant on another policy. Your best bet, in this case, is to save money to cover the cost of a funeral. It’s never too late to start saving money no matter how small the amount – every little bit helps.

Also remember, even though funerals in South Africa can be very pricey, there’s no reason a person can’t have an affordable dignified funeral. 


Funeral Cover over 65 quotes


Every person deserves a funeral that honours their memory and allows their loved ones to grieve, regardless of their age. That’s why it’s affordable to add a parent to your Budget Funeral Policy and get them cover right up until they are 75 years old. 

Call us on 0861 60 01 20 to get a Funeral Cover over 65 quote today if you already have Funeral Cover with us. If you’d like to take out a new Budget Funeral Plan, call us on 0861 10 66 50. 


Budget Insurance is an authorised insurer and FSP. Terms and Conditions online.